The Online Publication of SIPA


The Online Publication of SIPA


The Online Publication of SIPA




More than 1,500 scholastic journalists and publication advisers annually attend SCSPA offerings. The annual fall conference continues to draw more than 600 participants; the spring conference draws nearly 500 each April. Hundreds of students and advisers also regularly attend other workshops that highlight design and journalistic writing and InDesign, Photoshop and Final Cut Pro software.

Two dozen advisers and elected student officers also attend two annual board meetings at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications each year. More than 60 staffs annually send their publications to the SCSPA office to be evaluated by knowledgeable publication advisers and professional journalists.

Each year, dozens of staffs send entries into SCSPA’s Excellence in Scholastic Newspaper Awards (ESNA) and magazine and yearbook individual competitions. Major honors, including Journalist of the Year, SCSPA scholarships, SCSPA/Jostens Yearbook scholarships, Reid H. Montgomery Adviser of the Year and the Albert T. Scroggins Jr. service award, continue to be a highlight of the spring awards ceremony.


The Southern Interscholastic Press Association is a not-for-profit organization of public schools, including middle, junior and senior high schools, and independent schools.

Its purpose is to encourage a high degree of professionalism in scholastic journalism and mass communications in the Southeast.