The Online Publication of SIPA


The Online Publication of SIPA


The Online Publication of SIPA


Individual Competitions

Individual Competitions

All individual competition entries must be submitted digitally. Email entries to [email protected].


Broadcast staffs may compete in eight areas: news and feature stories, public service announcements, graphics, sports coverage, news anchor, reporter and personality profile or human interest story. Awards are announced at the spring conference.
Due: March 6. Fee: $25.

ESNA – Excellence in Scholastic Newspaper Awards

For newspaper staffs – Newspaper individual awards are presented in 13 categories to schools divided into three classes based on enrollment. Staffs may enter 11 of the 13 categories each competition period – November 15 and March 15.
Fee: $60 for two competition periods

Literary Magazine

Literary magazine staffs may compete in seven areas: art, cover, non-fiction, photography, poetry, short story and spread design. Awards are announced at the fall conference.
Due: June 8. Fee: $25.


Online staffs may compete in nine areas: computer graphics, digital storytelling, features, news, opinion piece, review, photography, sports and videography.
Due: March 15. Fee: $25.

Photography Contest

Photographers can compete in a theme-specific contest twice a year – September and April.
Fee: $5 per entry.


Yearbook staffs may compete in seven areas: candid photography, cover, feature photography, sports photography, feature writing, spread design and theme development. Awards are announced at the fall conference.
Due: June 8. Fee: $25.