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The Online Publication of SIPA


The Online Publication of SIPA


The Online Publication of SIPA


Quiz Bowl

Information for pre-preregistered teams:


  • Friday 8-8:30 PM Pre-test in Palmetto I
  • Saturday 5-6 PM Rounds 1-4 in Capital IV
  • Sunday 9-9:50 AM Finals in Capital IV

Topics/Study Guide:

  • Journalism history
  • Journalism terms (all media- glossaries in journalism textbooks can be helpful here)
  • AP Style, including recent changes to AP Style
  • Basic Civics (primarily what would be found on a citizenship test)
  • Press law, including scholastic press law
  • Current events, including sports and entertainment (March 2024-February 2025)


  • Each round consists of 16 questions.
  • As the moderator read each question, the first person to buzz in will have a chance to answer the question. If he or she gets the question right, the team will get 5 points. If the person gets the question wrong, the other team will have an opportunity to answer the question. If they get it right, their team will receive 5 points. If a person buzzes in before the entire question is read, and the team gets the question wrong, the moderator will read the question in its entirety to the other team. If that team gets the question correct, they will receive 5 points.
  • If the answer is a person’s name, the last name is acceptable.
  • You must be recognized before you answer.
  • Once the question is read, and your team buzzes in, the person who buzzes in will have 10 seconds to answer. You may not consult or confer with other team members.
  • If you do not answer the question in that time, the other team will have the opportunity to buzz in. They, too, will have 10 seconds to answer.
    You must have your hand on the table and may not have your hand hovering over or above your buzzer.