In the bustling newsroom of Wando High School, Gabbi Mortellaro is a force to be reckoned with. As the editor in chief of the Wando Photography Department, she has not only honed her storytelling skills but also inspired her peers to see the world through a different lens—literally.
“She set a school record nine total at SIPA in March and seven first place awards, and she holds the school record for most awards at an NSPA convention,” Phillip Caston, Legend yearbook adviser, said. “Gabbi is on pace to be the most award-winning student in Wando history.”
When Mortellaro isn’t curating stunning visuals for her school’s publications, she’s most likely outdoors. “Outside of journalism, I really enjoy personal fitness and going to the gym daily,” Mortellaro said. “I also enjoy surfing and anything that has to do with the outdoors.” Her love for the natural world is evident not only in her hobbies but also in the stories she chooses to tell.
Mortellaro’s favorite pieces are deeply rooted in her community’s unique culture.
Q: What have been some of your favorite pieces that you’ve covered and why?
A: Some of my favorite pieces I’ve covered have been the unique activities my school offers because of the area we live in, like surfing, hunting, and sailing.
Mortellaro also offers valuable advice and guidance to high school journalists, helping them hone their skills and grow in their craft.
Q: What advice do you have for other high school journalists?
A: Some advice I would give to a fellow high school journalist is, if you think there’s more to the story to tell, go deeper, and I encourage everyone to look more into telling a story with more than just writing. There’s so much the arts have to offer, especially in journalism, and it can take you so much farther than you’d think.
Following high school graduation, Mortellaro plans to attend a four-year university to study communications and photojournalism. She intends to use these skills after college to work in marketing for a company specializing in fashion.
SIPA Stars is a showcase series that spotlights individual students, celebrates their content and exemplifies good Southern journalism at work in scholastic classrooms.
An adviser or editor can recommend a student to be a SIPA Star through a short application process. We will create web and social media posts and letters to principals and local media outlets to identify and spotlight the student selected.
Nana • Dec 19, 2024 at 10:21 pm
Great article!! Congratulations ⭐️